Ignite Energy Corporation and Power Search Exploration own approximately 40,000 acres, (60 + Sections) of mineral rights
in East Central, Southern and Northern Alberta, on proven geological trends.
Our focus has been to combine our 50 plus years of business experience and technical innovation in securing plays
we believe have the greatest economic potential.
Horseshoe Lake Area: Twp 39 -41 Rge 7-8 W4M
- Horseshoe Lake consists of large block of undeveloped lands with excellent Mannville and Viking oil potential.
Gooseberry Lake: Twp 36 R Rge 6 W4M
- A seismically identified multi-zone prospect with a potential of 600,000 plus bbls from the Dina.
- Prospects in Amisk, David, Silver Heights, Battle River.
Edgerton/Ribstone: Twp 43-44 Rge 4 W4M
- Seismically identified Nisku location offsetting 2 producing wells in an active Nisku drilling area.
Consort: Twp 34-35 Rge 5 W4M
- 2880 acres of contiguous land in active horizontal Viking oil.
Halkirk: Twp 41-43 Rge 14-15W4M
- 4 sections on a Viking Oil trend.
Utikuma Lake: Twp 80 Rge 7 W5M
- 4480 acres offsetting significant established Gilwood and Keg River production with horizontal drilling underway to the south.
Peco: Twp 48 Rge 15-16 W5M
- Ignite holds a licence and lease along the Duvernay shale fairway, Where Petrochine,
through Encana paid approximately *$10,00/per acre.
Leduc: Twp 49 Rge 26 W4M
- Ignite has acquired lands adjacent to the historic Leduc field where
conventional and horizontal drilling for the Nisku is underway.
Download Land Holdings and Prospect Summary